In this video, Knowles repeatedly deadnames U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine.
Daily Wire's Michael Knowles calls for banning “that evil Pride flag from every public space forever”
Knowles: “We ban all sorts of flags from public spaces - Nazi flags, hammer and sickle flags”
From the June 27, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): I spoke too soon. Yesterday, I mentioned that Pride Month was coming to an end, but I said that before Assistant Health Secretary [Rachel] Levine weighed in on the matter. And here is what [Rachel] Levine had to say.
KNOWLES: Now, I have a counter-proposal. My counter-proposal is that we ban that evil Pride flag from every public space forever. We could do it. We ban all sorts of flags from public spaces - Nazi flags, hammer and sickle flags. Would not be that hard at all. And you might say, that's extreme. But is it more extreme than turning Pride day into Pride week into Pride month into Pride summer into -- left unchecked, I promise you -- Pride always. We're living in polarizing times, and you can't simultaneously exalt opposites.
So which is it gonna be? Do we follow good ole Uncle Sam and salute the red, white, and blue? Or will we follow Assistant Secretary [Rachel Levine] and worship the rainbow standard? What kind of summer and what kind of country do you want to have?