For more on Lomborg, see here.
Dennis Prager: “The great killer is cold, not heat. ... Global warming has actually been saving lives.”
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From the July 6, 2021, edition of the Salem Radio Network's The Dennis Prager Show
DENNIS PRAGER (HOST): If there's one piece I'd like you to read from the year 2021, it's Bjorn Lomborg's piece that just came out in the L.A. Times, amazingly -- no, no - USA Today, amazingly.
And how so many fewer people are dying because of climate than ever before because the great killer is cold, not heat. So global warming has actually been saving lives. But the left doesn't care about saving lives. They care about disrupting civilization 'cause of the deep boredom in their soul that comes from the religion-less lives that they were raised with. That's what it is. Give me purpose, I was raised with none.