Radio host Baker referred to Thomas Beatie as a “mutilated lesbian”

On his Minneapolis radio show, Chris Baker repeatedly referred to Thomas Beatie, a pregnant transgender man, as a “mutilated lesbian” and called Beatie a “freak.” Baker also stated: “If a lesbian gets pregnant, I'm fine with it. I'm OK. Just stop alternating reality and trying to force me to buy into your psychosis.”

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On the November 14 edition of his Minneapolis radio show, Chris Baker repeatedly referred to Thomas Beatie, a pregnant transgender man, as a “mutilated lesbian.” He also referred to Beatie as a “freak.” Baker also stated: “If a lesbian gets pregnant, I'm fine with it. I'm OK. Just stop alternating reality and trying to force me to buy into your psychosis.” Baker made the comments while discussing Barbara Walters' interview of Beatie and his wife, Nancy Beatie.

Guest co-host Nicole Remini said of Walters' interview, "[S]o Barbara goes, 'Are you pregnant again?' Like, bluh. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth on the radio." Remini added: “It's disgusting. I really have a problem with it.”

Though Beatie identifies as a man, Remini, Baker, and KTLK guest host Todd Walker repeatedly referred to him as a female throughout the discussion. Baker stated Beatie is “not a guy,” while Remini said, “You're a chick,” and, "[S]top saying you're a man." Walker said, “She's a man,” and said, "[D]id you see her as a woman when she was the beauty queen? She was pretty hot."

Baker also stated: “Excuse me, I don't believe you're a guy. Can you stand up to pee? OK? There you go. Scoreboard.”

Baker later said of Beatie: “She had her hoots whittled off. And that's it. That's it. That's it; that's all. And when I think of all the women out there that have little hoots who would love to have those hoots, and this woman's throwing them away.”

ABC News reported in a November 13 “Barbara Walters Exclusive” that the Beaties are expecting their second child. Their first baby was born in June.

As Media Matters for America documented, on the April 4 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, after playing a clip of Beatie's April 3 appearance on Oprah to discuss Beatie's first pregnancy, co-host Mika Brzezinski stated, “I'm going to be sick. I am going to be sick.” During the same discussion, host Joe Scarborough stated: “I really do feel sick.”

From the November 14 broadcast of KTLK's The Chris Baker Show:

BAKER: That mutilated lesbian's running around claiming to be a pregnant guy again.

REMINI: She's pregnant again. It --

WALKER: She is?

REMINI: Yes. You know? Ugh.

BAKER: And it's not a guy. Yet -- this freak is on with Barbara Walters.


BAKER: “Oh, the man is pregnant again.” And this mutilated lesbian is literally saying, “Well, you know, after the first baby, I didn't want to go back to my testosterone injections.”

REMINI: Right. And so Barbara goes, “Are you pregnant again?” Like, bluh. Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth on the radio.

BAKER: How is that happening?

REMINI: It's disgusting. I really have a problem with it.

BAKER: Look, you know what? I don't mind if -- look, I have no problem with a lesbian being pregnant, OK?

REMINI: Right, but stop saying you're a man.

BAKER: If a lesbian gets pregnant --

WALKER: Yeah, but she's a man.

BAKER: -- I'm fine with it. I'm OK. Just stop alternating reality --

REMINI: Right.

BAKER: -- and trying to force me to buy into your psychosis.

REMINI: Right. You're a chick.

WALKER: But did you see her as a woman when she was the beauty queen? She was pretty hot.

REMINI: Was she?

BAKER: Right.

WALKER: Oh, she was smoking. I looked her up online.

BAKER: Right. She's a mental case.

WALKER: She was -- I mean, she was an attractive, attractive woman.

BAKER: In order to --

REMINI: Her wife is not pretty.

BAKER: -- in order to undergo the so-called gender reassignment surgery -- I'm telling you right now, I'm gonna throw this entire theory right out the window, all right? Here's the truth. In order to get this so-called gender reassignment surgery, a shrink has to diagnose you with a mental disorder known as gender -- what is it? -- gender --

REMINI: Is it a transgender --

BAKER: Yeah. Gender identification --

WALKER: Gender confusion.

BAKER: -- gender identification disorder or some kind of stuff. You're a nut, technically.

REMINI: Right. Right.

BAKER: You know, basically.

REMINI: Right.

BAKER: OK? Look, just -- we love you as you are as a human being; just stop trying to screw up reality. [unintelligible]

REMINI: Yeah, Todd, I don't need Botox.

BAKER: Excuse me, I don't believe you're a guy. Can you stand up to pee? OK? There you go. Scoreboard.

WALKER: So, is everything gone down there with her?

REMINI: I think so.

BAKER: Everything is the same.

REMINI: Oh, no. It's the same because --

BAKER: It's a woman.

REMINI: -- she had to be -- 'cause she had the baby.

BAKER: Right. She didn't even have a cesarean, OK? How can you say, “I'm a guy,” and you had a baby and it wasn't even by cesarean?

WALKER: But didn't she have it rebuilt so there's an outie down there, though?

REMINI: Oh, gosh.

WALKER: I think she did.

BAKER: No. No. No, not at all. That's why the whole thing is stupid.

WALKER: So, it's just a woman having a baby. [unintelligible]

BAKER: It's a mutilated lesbian. She had --

REMINI: Who happens to have a beard.

WALKER: And who happens to have a moustache and beard, right.

BAKER: She had her hoots whittled off. And that's it. That's it. That's it; that's all. And when I think of all the women out there that have little hoots who would love to have those hoots --


BAKER: -- and this woman's throwing them away.

REMINI: I'd like to fill my hoots. Now, that's something I'd like to do.

WALKER: Get rid of them?

REMINI: No, fill them.

WALKER: Fill -- really? Let's see them again.


BAKER: 651-989 --

REMINI: I have the best bra in the world on today, too. I would share it.

WALKER: I don't think you -- there's any reason to do anything with them.

BAKER: -- 5855.