Radio host McCullough reacted to Obama LGBT statement with blog headline “Obama: Hey Homos, I'm Your Dude!”

On his blog, Kevin McCullough posted an entry about Sen. Barack Obama's statement on “bring[ing] about real change for all LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual] Americans” under the headline “Obama: Hey Homos, I'm Your Dude!”

On the blog Musclehead Revolution, syndicated radio host Kevin McCullough posted a February 28 entry about Sen. Barack Obama's statement on “bring[ing] about real change for all LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual] Americans” under the headline “Obama: Hey Homos, I'm Your Dude!” Below the headline, McCullough posted part of a photograph of Obama posted on the Drudge Report, in which he is dressed in the traditional attire of a tribal elder when he was visiting Kenya in August 2006 and captioned it, " 'By the way, when we're done here, I'm going to repeal the Defense of Marriage.' " In his LGBT statement, Obama said, “I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) -- a position I have held since before arriving in the U.S. Senate.”

According to his biography, "[i]n addition to the New York City Metro, Kevin's broadcast is heard in New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Delaware, and in portions of Massachusetts." The biography page also states that McCullough has appeared on Fox News Channel as well as “CNN, CSPAN, PBS, as well as NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX network affiliates” and that he “has been called the heir apparent to [Focus on the Family chairman James] Dobson and [late Rev. Jerry] Falwell, by America's most prolific faith-based writers.” According to a search of the Nexis database, McCullough has appeared on CNN as recently as September 2007. The biography page adds:

Kevin McCullough has also written as a nationally syndicated columnist since the fall of 1999. He has written extensively on the issues of our times. His column's exclusive online home is now His column became anchored at World Net Daily in 2001. His 750 word weekly piece also ended up appearing in countless other internet and printed publications. He has appeared in New York Newsday, The New York Post, The Washington Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, Christianity Today, The Daily Herald, The Illinois Leader, Human Events, and NewsMax.

From McCullough's blog, Musclehead Revolution:

Obama Homos