CBS Evening News Highlights The Irony Of Anti-LGBT GOP Using Queen Song At RNC

Jim Axelrod: It's A “Contradiction That The Nominee Of A Party Whose Platform Is Anti-Same-Sex Marriage Would Choose A Song Written And Sung By A Gay Man”

From the July 19 edition of CBS' CBS Evening News:

JIM AXELROD: It wasn't the sight of Donald Trump that set the Twitter-sphere on fire last night, as much as the sounds that accompanied him.


“The moment Trump made Freddie Mercury roll over in his grave,” was one tweet, referencing the contradiction that the nominee of a party whose platform is anti-same-sex marriage would choose a song written and sung by a gay man who died from AIDS. Irony not lost on Freddie Mercury's pals, like Sting. 


As for Queen, their message was simple. “An unauthorized use at the Republican Convention against our wishes.” The second time in two months they've made it clear  they don't want Trump using their music, and asked him not to. 

While the song's use last night was probably legal, says music and film lawyer Mark Jacobson, that doesn't make it right. 


The Rolling Stones, Adele, and REM's Michael Stipe have all voiced their displeasure at Trump using their songs, but on a night that raised the issue of unauthorized use, the Trump campaign's choice of music made for the perfect soundtrack.


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