CNN's Chris Cuomo asks Anthony Scaramucci why he should give Trump “credit for bringing in Steve Bannon”

Cuomo: If Trump “has the best people around him, why does he keep shedding people like fleas off a dog?”

From the January 9 edition of CNN's Cuomo Prime Time:

ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: You don't want to give the president credit for a lot of things. He made --

CHRIS CUOMO (HOST): Why would I give the president credit for bringing in Steve Bannon in close to the seat of power?

SCARAMUCCI: Well, because --

CUOMO: You tell me, Anthony Scaramucci, who is no friend of Steve Bannon, why was he a good choice to have?

SCARAMUCCI: I -- I -- We're now looking at this with hindsight and saying that it was a bad choice, and the president would now say it was a bad choice. But here's the hallmark of a great president and a great executive: When you've made a bad choice and you have to make a decision to get rid of somebody that's been a bad choice, you remove the person from the situation.


CUOMO: If he has the best people around him, why does he keep shedding people like fleas off a dog?


Breitbart will be as odious without Bannon as it was with him

Anthony Scaramucci: Breitbart chief Steve Bannon has white nationalist “tendencies”

On This Week, Anthony Scaramucci says that Trump “has to move away” from Bannon and Breitbart