CNN's Corey Lewandowski Claims He Tweeted NY Times Report On Trump Chairman's Ukrainian Payments To Show Media Bias 

Lewandowski: “The Media Is Now Focusing On” Paul Manafort, Who Is “A Private Person Who Had A Private Business Model”

From the August 15 edition of CNN's New Day:

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CHRIS CUOMO (CO-HOST): Is that what [Donald Trump's] doing right now, is that he doesn't like the coverage he's been getting. He does not want to take responsibility for why he's getting the coverage. So instead, blame the media, whine, whine, whine, eventually his supporters will say, “OK, we get it. That's what it was.” Then he moves on. Is that what's going on? 

COREY LEWANDOWSKI: What I think, and [former New York City Mayor] Rudy Giuliani touched on this with your interview, right? If you look at The New York Times coverage of the Trump campaign, the front page stories of The New York Times have consistently been negative stories about the Donald Trump campaign, whereby, when you look at the Clinton campaign, Cheryl Mills and the email exchanges and her desire to have a donor from the Clinton Foundation potentially meet somebody, there's no front page coverage of this. So clearly it's biased, clearly it's biased against Donald Trump. And so pointing that out with his medium, going directly to the people, I think that's something that's fair to do. Absolutely.

ALISYN CAMEROTA (CO-HOST): Corey, I want to ask you about something that you tweeted about Paul Manafort. The New York Times reporting that Paul Manafort, when he worked for [former Ukrainian President Viktor] Yanukovych in the Ukraine, that he got $12.7 million worth of cash off the books. Why did you decide to tweet that little tidbit? 

LEWANDOWSKI: Because you know what it does? It goes exactly to the point I just made. The media is now focusing on a private person who had a private business model. Which no one says there's anything illegal about what he did. And as a matter of fact, he's saying he didn't receive the money. But Cheryl Mills, the chief of staff to the State Department, doesn't make the front page of The New York Times when she's doing personal favors. She's leaving New York on a train to come to -- she's leaving DC on a train to come to New York. State Department doesn't even know about it. So she can interview people for the Clinton Foundation. 

MARGARET HOOVER: Yeah, apples to apples.

CAMEROTA: But your tweet didn't clarify that you were trying to show --

LEWANDOWSKI: I didn't tweet anything. All I did was --

CAMEROTA: You tweeted out the link.

LEWANDOWSKI: A story. Just a story.

CAMEROTA: Right, but it wasn't meant to somehow denigrate Paul Manafort? 

LEWANDOWSKI: No, of course not. But look if you read the story, Paul is very clear in there. And he has said this today, he didn't receive the money. The New York Times is writing a staff story which has nothing to do with the candidate. But when it is a staffer of the Clinton campaign, there is a different method. 

CUOMO: We covered it all week long, we covered Cheryl Mills. 

LEWANDOWSKI: But it wasn't front page. It's not the front page of -- 

CUOMO: Most of what you know about the Cheryl Mills situation you probably got sitting on our sets. 

HOOVER: To be fair though Corey, apples to apples. This is an independent bureau in the Ukraine, as you know, that is intended to investigate anti-corruption. It is funded by the West in order to receive aid from the West. And $12.7 million of line items directed towards Paul Manafort. There is no kind of accusation from an independent bureau like that about Cheryl Mills. I mean it's just simply not apples to apples here.


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