In an on-air poll, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren asked viewers whether Donald Trump “should … reopen Trump University,” even though the shuttered “university” is currently facing numerous pending fraud and misrepresentation lawsuits.
On the June 2 edition of On The Record, host Greta Van Susteren interviewed honorary co-chair of Trump’s New York state campaign team and failed New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, who argued that Trump U. “could give a lot of kids an opportunity which they didn’t have otherwise” and that Trump himself “looked at” Trump U. “as a civic service.”
Later, Van Susteren asked her audience to respond to an on-air poll that asked viewers, “Should Donald Trump reopen Trump University?”
Van Susteren’s segment and Twitter poll comes as Trump U. faces scrutiny from fact-checkers and several pending fraud and misrepresentation lawsuits.
Though most media outlets have been heavily critical of Trump’s real estate seminar business, Fox News has provided the Republican nominee plenty of cover by allowing Trump to use its airtime to lie about the scandal-ridden business long before he became a presidential candidate.