On MSNBC, Republican Political Analyst Slams Trump And The GOP's Continuous “Drumbeat Of Anti-Women” Rhetoric

Elise Jordan: When Trump Said Punish Women For Abortion, “I Think That Women Heard That Loud And Clear”

From the April 4 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI (CO-HOST): So Elise, that lack of discipline I think that people are pointing to -- you know, there are certain things that were said in the past [by Donald Trump] that everyone felt were so damaging, that actually, I think, played into the feelings of primary voters. I think these [comments on abortion] may be different because you lose voters when you say things that impact women's lives directly in, perhaps, what they would feel, a negative way. 

ELISE JORDAN: Well, and I think the choice of words in that first interview with Chris Matthews, punish -- I think that women heard that loud and clear, that they were to be punished for their choices, whereas the man who is involved, nothing Trump said in the interview, the man is irrelevant, no punishment for him. I think women heard that and I think it was just the confluence of really damaging events. Just the drumbeat of anti-women -- and I'm sorry, I'm a young Republican woman and I do not want Trump to be president just because I feel he is so anti-women. And that's -- I've lived through the 2012 cycle, it wasn't exactly Republican men saying sweet things about women, but this is far, far worse than anything I've ever seen. I think that he is one of the most damaging men in public life when it comes to how he talks about women.


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