MSNBC's Maddow Highlights WND's Profitable Relationship With Trump And His Attacks Against Obama's Citizenship

Rachel Maddow: “WorldNetDaily Has Proclaimed That Its Man Of The Year For 2015 Was Donald J. Trump”

From the January 4 edition of MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show:

RACHEL MADDOW (HOST): But just the fact that [Trump] doesn't want to talk about [birtherism] anymore and the fact that it is mostly out of favor doesn't mean that there aren't still corners of the conspiratorial conservative media world where President Obama's birth certificate is still definitely a forgery and his status as a secret alien is still a very compelling contemporary issue. The headquarters of that basically is of course our friends at WorldNetDaily. And WorldNetDaily was always kind of the headquarters for the Obama birth certificate conspiracy theory. But still today, still at WorldNetDaily, you can buy your where is the real birth certificate yard and rally sign. You can get your where is the birth certificate bumper sticker. It's magnetic. Easy on, easy off. You can get your question of eligibility Obama birth certificate forgery DVD. You can also get your autographed hardcover copy of the where is the birth certificate WorldNetDaily book. WorldNetDaily is able to get I think an inside line on those autographs for that book because the author of where's the birth certificate is a senior staff writer at WorldNetDaily. He has not only advanced his theory and sold all his books and merchandise about President Obama's fake birth certificate at WorldNetDaily. He's also used WorldNetDaily to advance his deeply compelling theory that President Obama is not only secretly foreign, he's also secretly Muslim and he's secretly gay and he's secretly gay married to another Muslim.


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