Once again, right-wing media won't acknowledge good news for U.S.; prefer to trumpet the bad

So much for Ronald Reagan's brand of “sunny” conservatism. Today's practitioners openly root for bad news in hopes of tripping up the president. (We lost the Olympic bid!!!) But they don't just root for bad news for Obama, they root for bad news for America. It's rather disturbing to watch. They literally celebrate the stuff.

Today's glaring display comes in the wake of the announcement that nearly 300,000 new jobs were added to the U.S. payroll last month. Great news, right? It's the biggest monthly bump in more than four years. Not if the haters can help it. They apparently want to see a sour economy. They want more Americans to be out of work, because, as I mentioned, they've gone all in against the U.S. in hopes of picking up some electoral wins in November.

Question: Why do right-wingers hate America?

UPDATED: Last month, members of the GOP Noise Machine scrambled to try to explain away the encouraging job numbers. The problem is that the unfolding monthly trend is likely to continue. Meaning, most economists fully expect that between now and November, the U.S. economy will continue to add hundred of thousands of new jobs each month.

How are the haters going to deal with all that good news?