O'Reilly Lectures Trump Not To Run As Independent And Risk Handing Election To Hillary Clinton

O'Reilly: If You “Run On A Third Party Ticket” You Will Be “Handing The Election To Hillary Clinton”

From the December 9 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

BILL O'REILLY (HOST): I got one more very serious question here. You mentioned the establishment Republicans don't like you and that's true. They don't. If you don't get the delegate count to put you over the top, you go to the convention, okay? And then the convention brokers do what they do. There's a good chance you are not going to get as many delegates to give you the nomination. So, if they deny the nomination to you, which is very, very possible, are you going to run on a third party ticket, thereby handing the election to Hillary Clinton? 

DONALD TRUMP: I think that I will get the delegates. I'm winning in Iowa big. I'm winning in South Carolina. I'm winning in New Hampshire big. 

O'REILLY: If you don't -- If you don't?

TRUMP: If I'm treated fairly, I would never do it. If I'm not treated fairly, I might very well do it. Because frankly my deal was -- my deal was I have to be treated fairly. 

O'REILLY: If you do it, it's President Clinton.


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