Hosts of Fox News’ The Five endorse rounding up and forcibly detaining homeless people
Katie Pavlich: “You don't get to leave”
From the August 8, 2023, edition of Fox News' The Five
DANA PERINO (CO-HOST): At first when I read this headline this morning that we were going to do this topic, I was like, "Oh, it's maybe not a terrible idea to put all the fentanyl use on one island." Right? Let that just be an island and let them hash that out.
GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): As a concept, I am okay with an island.
JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): Pro-fentanyl island.
GUTFELD: I'm pro-fentanyl island. Separate, sovereign, on government land, barracks, and let them fulfill the fentanyl fantasy with clean drugs. Because from a compassionate standpoint, dying on the street is a zero. But in this case, you get to a five, right? Because you separate this area away from the law-abiding citizens that means half of the equation is solved. The people that have to deal with what's going on in their driveways or their walkways, that is gone.
Try to explain this to a kid. I mean, you right now have a harmful culture that openly rejects your culture, your norms, and your rules currently living in your town. If this was some crazy outer space alien you would separate them and then monitor them and see if you could help them. We're not doing that because I do believe that they just assume these people are all going to die. Maybe they will, but I don't think that's the solution. Separating them, watching them, getting them treatment.
KATIE PAVLICH (CO-HOST): Well, until you break up the homeless industrial complex, this problem is not going to get solved. There's so much corruption in these cities -- and Jesse's covered it well on his show -- where people who are homeless get paid to live on the street and then you have all these nonprofits that are supposed to be solving this problem by building shelters, having rules, they don't. And you still end up with this problem all over the city, not just in the shelters or very specific areas.
I agree, there should be a certain area where if you want to do drugs and you want to be on fentanyl, that's fine, but you don't get to leave. Once you sign up, that's where you live and until you can prove that you're clean and you're not going to go up Sixth Avenue and lay in the street, that's where you get to be. Like the rest of it goes away because people are dealing with this everywhere and if we're going to have a solution to it, sure, you guys can live over there and until you decide that this no longer something they're going to foist on the rest of the country, in every single town across America, then there is a place for you to go.