Don Imus will inherit a comically small audience on Fox Business Network

The host probably sees his promotion this week as something of a career coup. But honestly, Don Imus could probably launch a lower power FM radio station that has a radius of five miles and land a bigger audience than the one Fox Business currently attracts.

We highlighted this recently, but with the Imus announcement this week it's worth circling around again for another laugh at Fox's expense.

Fact: Nobody watches the Fox Business Network. Okay, not nobody in the literal sense. But nobody in the sense that it's audience is so small it almost defies logic, let along statistics, or cable viewing tradition. Because according to the most recent Nielsen numbers, Fox Business Network averages 21,000 viewers between 5 a.m and 9 p.m.

You read that correctly: 21,000 viewers, in a nation of nearly 300 million people. Honestly, Don Imus could join the morning team on a top 40 station in Portland, ME., next week and have a bigger audience than the Fox Business Network.