​Fox Business claims quarterly economic report showing strong growth is “fairy-tale numbers”

GDP grew 2.8% in the second quarter of the year, beating expectations

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Citation From the July 25, 2024, edition of Fox Business' Mornings with Maria Bartiromo

MARIA BARTIROMO (HOST): The GDP at 2.8%​, you have to believe​ we're going to see a revision there​, right​?


BARTIROMO: Is that what you were going to say? Are we going to see a revision on second quarter GDP, Rebecca?

​WALSER:​I've seen the most optimistic​, fairy-tale numbers I​'ve​ ever seen in my life​ in this. I​ just don't understand​. Come on, we are not going at 2.8% ​annualized, that's not hhappening. And this is going to be revised downward. I mean, wh​at is bringing it up so much, Cheryl? Why is it 2.8​? ​What is bringing this number so high ​unexpectedly, when durable goods are down 6.6? No, I'm sorry, I have to look at that.