Fox's Maria Bartiromo worries Trump's federal government cuts could “induce a recession”

Bartiromo still tried to blame weak job creation last month on “Joe Biden's economy that Trump inherited”

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From the March 5, 2025, edition of Fox Business' Mornings with Maria Bartiromo

​MARIA BARTIROMO (ANCHOR): You make a good point, and you know, some ​of the spending has ​just been outrageous​. ​But there are questions about all this cut​s in ​D​OGE, and all​ these cuts to federal spending, could actually lead to or induce a recession​, that's what ​The Lindsey ​Group has been reporting​. And we​ just got​ the jobs numbers out​, congressman. The ​ADP number is crossing​ right now, 77,000 private sector jobs ​were add​ed to the economy last month​. This is the lowest number ​of jobs added to the economy last month since July​. This is the February ​A​DP report​.

Now, obviously, this is not a result of ​President ​Trump's policies​, because this is a result of​ Joe Biden's economy that ​Trump inherited​. ​But how worried should we be that you've got ​the Atlanta ​Federal ​Reserve ​now expecting a contraction in the first quarter, ​and as you cut government spending​, you​'re going to actually impact​ the jobs numbers, you've ​the got jobs​ numbers out ​at the end of the week here ​for the month ​o​f February​.