Brian Kilmeade: It's not fair that “every single thing the president's done in his adult life” is being investigated

Kilmeade: “Anybody thinking about running for president that's ever done business on any level has got to think twice”

From the December 17 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): The problem is going to be, for the president, the collusion corruption -- the collusion obstruction is one thing with Robert Mueller, but the other things that are going on with the off-ramp on the foundation, on the inauguration, on the campaign, on anything Michael Cohen had touched with all his credibility. Anything that's corroborated, any of Michael Cohen's statements that are corroborated are going to be troublesome for the president. Anybody thinking about running for president that's ever done business on any level has got to think twice because now they have gotten -- been able to off-ramp all this stuff. Every single thing the president's done in his adult life is now under examination. Can you please tell me in what country that is fair? 


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