Brian Kilmeade on Paris protests: “It's amazing what happens to the enemies of Trump in Europe”

From the December 17 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends

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STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): French President Emmanuel Macron's approval rating now dropping to 23 percent as some protesters call for his resignation, again. Paris dealing with the fifth straight weekend of protests. More than 60,000 people filling the streets demanding more from Macron, even after getting a minimum wage hike and a tax cut. All right, Brian, Ainsley?

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): All right, thank you so much.

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Welcome back. It's amazing what happens to the enemies of Trump in Europe.


NBC News: France's 'yellow vest' protesters hit Paris streets for fifth week

Axios: Trump inaccurately blames Paris Agreement as riots continue in France


Trump elevated Charlie Kirk's false claim about French protesters chanting his name. That never happened.

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