During the July 13 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox's Gretchen Carlson claimed "[s]ome people have a big problem" with President Obama noting that giving the American people “a sense of unity” was a major part of his job as president, claiming Obama is responsible for “the divisive nature that this administration has evoked throughout society. But Carlson and her colleagues at Fox News have resorted to charges of ”class warfare" throughout Obama's first term as president in order to protect the wealthy, disparage the poor, and attack the president.
In a recent interview with CBS's Charlie Rose, President Obama noted that he has shifted from “thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right” to understanding that "the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times. Upon hearing Obama's statement, Carlson said the following:
CARLSON: Unity? Unity? Some people have a big problem with that word based on the last year and the allegations of class warfare and the divisive nature that this administration has evoked throughout society. That was an interesting choice of a word . Also what I find amazing is that make no mistake about it, this man has the best oratory skills ever as a man running for the president united states. His greatest strength is communication. In the same breath he says his biggest mistake was communication.
Carlson and her colleagues at Fox News have made class warfare a primary facet of their attacks on the president. Just last week, Fox Business' Charles Payne fabricated an attack on wealthy Americans from President Obama's praise of middle class values.
Although Carlson never mentioned the source of the “allegations of class warfare” which she took as evidence that Obama is evoking a “divisive nature” in society, she wouldn't have to go far to find examples: Carlson herself has been at the forefront of Fox News' campaign to attach the “class warfare” label to Obama.