On Fox, Beck Claims “Somebody” Says His Prediction “Accuracy Rate” Is 92%

Following his appearance on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, former Fox News host Glenn Beck appeared on the September 13 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends to continue promoting his Internet television network, GBTV. During the segment, Beck absurdly claimed “somebody” had evaluated his past predictions and concluded Beck has a “92 percent accuracy rate on what we said was coming.” From Fox & Friends:

CARLSON: Let's talk about the economy, because a lot of people saying that some of the things that you said before are coming true now.

BECK: Yeah, isn't that strange? We have -- somebody did a -- they went back and looked at our record, and it's a 92 percent accuracy rate on what we said was coming - 92 percent of it has happened, and it's quite remarkable. Now the question is, will anybody listen to what's coming next? Because the thing -- some of the things that are still left out on the table -- Europe coming apart, next week, you know, everybody is worried about 9-11 this week. Everybody really should be paying attention to what is coming in the coming days starting on the 17th.

I just went by JP Morgan Chase, where they have three levels of security now around JP Morgan Chase here in New York City. They have bomb-sniffing dogs and everything else. That's not just for 9-11. You'll see that next week as well, because the Marxists are coming out and they are boycotting Wall Street, and it's a movement that is starting from here, in Spain, in Israel, in Europe, all over the world.

Of course, Beck has a long history of making failed, outrageous, and baseless predictions. Previously:

Glenn Beck's Top 5 Failed Predictions

Beck Predicts New Muslim Caliphate Will “Control The Mideast And Parts Of Europe”

Beck Predicts “Race Riots” In U.S., “Fueled By The Media And By Our Politicians”

Beck stokes fears about inflation: “On November 3, the Fed hits the Weimar moment”

Beck Predicts That We May Lose “Israel And ... The Free World” This Summer

Beck predicts Stewart and Colbert will “go the way of Oprah” because “the American people are done with it”
