Fox Chastises Woman Who Spoke About Struggling To Live On Minimum Wage As Delusional, Entitled

Guest Stefanie Williams: “You Made These Financial Decisions ... And Now You're Expecting The Company To Finance You ... For The Lifestyle You Chose ... And Only Having One Job.”

From the February 25 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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SANDRA SMITH (HOST): A millennial going viral for ripping into a fellow millennial for making their generation look like a bunch of complainers. Haven't heard that before. Well, it all started when a Yelp employee named Talia Jane posted a scathing letter to her company's CEO, writing, quote, “I haven't bought groceries since I started this job because 80 percent of my income goes to paying rent. And I'm withering away from putting all into a company that doesn't have my back.” The letter cost Jane her job. Twenty-nine-year-old Stefanie Williams ripping into Jane with a rebuttal post, writing in part, “she believes she deserves these things that most of us would call luxuries.” Stefanie Williams joins us now. Stefanie, good morning.

STEFANIE WILLIAMS: Good morning, Sandra. How are you?

SMITH: Alright, so first of all, what made you react to her rant about not being able to afford anything and complaining about her employer?

WILLIAMS: I think it was, I mean, the whole thing kind of sounded Dickens-esque, like I am so poor, oh, my God, I'm so poor. But when I got to the end and I realized she had included a link to her Venmo account and a PayPal account asking for people to help her to pay rent because she had gotten fired, I just sat there and was like, you have got to be kidding me that this girl is legitimately asking people to pay her rent for her in San Francisco.

SMITH: So there's only a four or five year age difference between the two of you, both of the same millennial generation. We hear a lot of complaints about millennials and their sense of entitlement. In this case, you're saying she's whining. Is there a problem that you're identifying within your own generation?

WILLIAMS: I mean, it becomes kind of prevalent because I think there are a lot of stories that get out there because I think it's one of those situations of like the squeaky wheel gets the oil, obviously. So the more you hear about it, you know, the more it sounds like it is very prevalent. On the flip side, since this article went viral, I've received an enormous amount of emails from people of my generation.

SMITH: Like what? What are people saying to you?

WILLIAMS: Surprisingly, and I don't know why exactly, I have gotten so many emails thanking me, basically for saying like, you know, for sticking up for people that actually do work hard and people our age that actually pull their weight and, you know, have two jobs, are getting their Masters, are finishing their degree, are working in a restaurant. You know, took a construction job because they couldn't get an engineering job out of college. There's a lot of people saying thank you for sticking up for us. And I think that's the big situation is there are way more people in our generation that actually are, you know, busting their butt to get where they want to be and what they need. They just don't get the press that someone like this girl was getting.

SMITH: Is there a misunderstanding that's happening with this generation? I mean, you're saying the problem isn't with her former employer, Yelp, or the minimum wage that she was getting paid. You say it's this girl's delusion of what her life should be. Is there an understanding when kids are graduating from college right now that they're entitled to a job, entitled to a nice apartment? And by the way, you're saying, where were the roommates? You're paying 80 percent of your income to rent? Why would you take that on?

WILLIAMS: I agree. I am for a minimum wage that is livable without a doubt. But what I think people forget was that she had full health benefits, which easily $25,000 a years, which tacks on the what she was making. And again, she had a one bedroom apartment or studio in San Francisco, arguably one of the most expensive cities in the country. And she didn't have a second job. She didn't have any supplemental income. And she willingly agreed to the salary they promised her.

SMITH: Good point.

WILLIAMS: This wasn't they promised her x, she got y and she was thrown off because she made all these plans. Clearly, you knew what you were going to be getting paid. You made these financial decisions on your own and now you're expecting the company to finance you not for the work you're doing, but for the lifestyle you chose, the apartment you chose, the city you chose to live in, and only having one job. That's not a company's responsibility in my opinion.


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