Fox contributor insists “there's no there there” on Michael Cohen's claim Trump knew about WikiLeaks' email plan, even if it's true

Dan Bongino: “None of this is great politically. The question is, is it criminally damaging? And the answer is no.”

From the February 27 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): One thing I would say, [Michael Cohen] adds this: “In 2016, days before the Democratic convention, he was in Mr. Trump's office when the secretary announced Roger Stone was on the phone. Trump put Mr. Stone on speaker phone. Stone told Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Assange told Stone within a couple of days there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton's campaign.” I listen to your podcast, we talk to you all the time about this. What changes after that? 

DAN BONGINO (FOX CONTRIBUTOR): Nothing. I mean, there's nothing there. There's no there there. Remember, at the time, even in Stone's own allegations, in Mueller's allegations against Stone, Brian, he's crystal clear that Stone had a tough time getting through to anybody in the White House about anything and that they wouldn't return his calls. The fact that he called the president and told him that he was working on some thing with Julian Assange or something, or even had some conversation with Assange, you don't even know that's true. There's no there there.

KILMEADE: But if the president in one of -- if one of the president's written questions, he said, “I never talked to Roger Stone about Julian Assange.” Does that -- is that going to cause a problem now if this is taken as -- if this somehow is verified? 

BONGINO: Well, clearly it's going to be one of those he said, he said scenarios right there. And, you know, who knows. Again, none of this is great politically. The question is, is it criminally damaging? And the answer is no. Everybody and their uncle was speculating at the time about what Assange said -- what he had and what he said. This was all in the public space at the time. 


The Washington Post: Michael Cohen to testify that Trump knew of WikiLeaks plot. He will also call him ‘a racist’ and ‘a cheat.’


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