Fox host on Easter Sunday: “There's a battle between good vs. evil, a spiritual battle that's brewing in America”

Guest Franklin Graham: “We need Christian men and women running especially for school boards all across this country. Let's take our school boards back and let's get control of our education in this country.”


From the April 9, 2023, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Weekend

LISA BOOTHE (GUEST CO-HOST): You know Reverend, you referenced a lot of the things going on in the country. It feels like there's a battle between good vs. evil, a spiritual battle that is brewing in America, especially when you look at some of the things children are being subjected to these days. Talk a little bit about that.

FRANKLIN GRAHAM (PRESIDENT AND CEO, THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELIST ASSOCIATION): Well, we have no question, our country is deteriorating morally and spiritually, and we see just how far our country has slid when you see what's happening, especially to our children and these whole issues of confusion that our teachers and our politicians are allowing to be taught concerning gender and so -- parents need to be parents. Parents need to stand up. Parents need to be involved in the school boards, and parents need to get involved and run for school boards. We need Christian men and women running especially for school boards all across this country. Let's take our school boards back and let's get control of our education in this country and it can be done if Christian men and women would get out there and run and win these elections.