Fox & Friends panel attacks Colin Kaepernick: “He's anti-American”
From the June 7, 2020, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Sunday
GRIFF JENKINS (FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT, CO-HOST) [Colin] Kaepernick comes back or not, what's the impact?
BURGESS OWENS: Well let me tell you what -- first of all, he's not coming back.
And believe me, Kaepernick, because the American people won't stand for it, will not be back. He's a marxist, period.
JENKINS: Joe, let me ask you. Burgess says Kaepenick's not coming back, but if he did, what message would that send to law enforcement.
JOE IMPERATRICE (BLUE LIVES MATTER NYC FOUNDER): Since day one, Colin Kaepernick made this about him. It was never about him. It was about the human race, about coming together, about finally finding a solution, finally working together to get us on the right path.
And if everyone will remember, this is an individual that wore socks with a pig displayed on them. He was never, never a fan of police officers.
JACK BREWER (ASSOCIATE OF POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUES): The family unit is the real oppression. That's where you've got to start. You've got to start with all these policies that disincentivize fatherhood. If you want to get to the root of the issue, let's have a conversation about the family unit and the family structure coming back in Black America. That's the real conversation, but they don't want to have that conversation.
They want to talk about symbolisms and they want to talk about flags, you know, whose side are you on, President Trump, are you on Colin Kaepernick's side. All of it is craziness. Because everyone that I just mentioned, President Trump has done more for Blacks than any president in history. Colin Kaepernick goes out and helps Blacks in the community.
Why can't we come together? Everyone wants the same result. We have a different approach on how we do it. We're Americans. That's what we need to do. Oppression cannot be a political debate. It's not right.
JENKINS: Burgess, Let me ask you about this op-ed in San Francisco's Gate newspaper calling for Kaepernick to be if the Hall of Fame. They say "I don't care that Kap's on-field resume is lacking. He only played six seasons but , of course, owners deprived him of countless more. I have no idea what he would have done with the lost seasons. ... But put him in anyway. The man is a critical, living piece of football history."
Does he belong in the hall of fame?
OWENS: Of course not. That conversation's a no-brainer.
You know, Colin Kaepernick has been a divider from the very beginning. And keep this in mind, when I talk with the leftists, these people couldn't care less about the Black community. Colin Kaepernick did not put -- invest any money, did not speak up anything when he was playing until the very end of his career.
At the end of the day, it comes down to this. It's about get out the vote. What the leftists do every four years is they use -- they get our community up in arms, anti-Black, anti-white. Why? Because they want those who oppress, those who are hopeless to come out and vote for Democrats. So this is all about power, guys, and you have to understand -- Kaepernick -- I would love to have a conversation with Kaepernick -- but his handlers would never put him in front of anybody who can debate with him because he cannot. He cannot stand on his own and talk about issues he supposedly stands for.
He's not for the Black community, he's about division, he's anti-American, anti -- he's a Marxist, at the end of the day.