Fox & Friends Parrots Carly Fiorina's Faulty Description Of Planned Parenthood Videos

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Clinton's Remarks On Planned Parenthood “Maybe Would Have Flown Before Those Videos Surfaced Of Babies' Hearts Beating On The Table, As Carly Fiorina Explained”

From the September 18 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

HASSELBECK: It's a prehistoric answer. That maybe would have flown before those videos surfaced of babies' hearts beating on the table as Carly Fiorina explained and challenged Hillary Clinton to watch that. I'm not even sure how you can be human, have supported Planned Parenthood before, watch the videos and then answer like that. How do you do that? 

BRIAN KILMEADE: Do you know what she sees? She sees this argument as, 'I have an idea, let's do the war on women thing again. Those Republicans wanna take it.' But it was a woman that said it. And this thing is switched, especially with that video out. 

HASSELBECK: It's plausible deniability if you support it, choose not to watch it and then go on with your early talking points. 

STEVE DOOCY: Wolf Blitzer just should have said, 'Okay, Mrs. Clinton, thank you for that answer. You didn't answer my question. So did you watch the video?' That's all Carly Fiorina was asking. Did she watch the video, and instead she had this defense of Planned Parenthood. And Planned Parenthood, you know, the rap is that the federal funding does not go to pay for abortions. The way it works is you know, we give, the federal government gives Planned Parenthood money to keep the lights on and to buy the building and to pay the staff. But for the actual the abortion, it has to come out of the pocket of the woman who asks for it. So in other words, that way they can say no federal money is paying for it, but without the federal money, there wouldn't be a building, there wouldn't be a staff, they wouldn't have lights. So the money is fungible. 

HASSELBECK: I challenge Hillary Clinton to watch that video and say the same thing. If you can watch the video and say what you just said, then maybe we'll have a discussion. But at least watch it. Why would you deny yourself the information? 

KILMEADE: Remember, she is a grandmother. I'm very hard for her to think that she's going to watch it and have no reaction and have the same reaction. She can't play it both ways. 


Carly Fiorina is wrong about the Planned Parenthood tapes. I know because I watched them.


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