Fox & Friends roll fake credits comparing health care summit attendees to characters from the soap opera “Dynasty”

From the February 25 edition of Fox News' Fox and Friends:

Video file

Cast List:

President Barack Obama as “The Charming (but Dithering) Boss”

Vice President Joe Biden as “The Goofy Uncle”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “The Stern Matriarch”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as “The Doddering Patriarch”

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius as “The Schoolmarm”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as “The Arch Nemesis”

House Minority Leader John Boehner as “The Hunk”

Also Starring:

Senator Mary Landrieu & Senator Ben Nelson “Selling Love for Money”

Senator Chuck Schumer as “The Fast Talking Hustler from the East”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as “The Wildcard”