Fox & Friends: Undocumented immigrants are “using these kids” to enter the United States

From the March 7 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Smugglers are encouraging families to file false asylum claims, because that virtually guarantees you're going to get into the United States. The laws need to be changed. 


AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): If you don't think it's a crisis about immigration, it could be a crisis -- if you're a mother, if you're a parent and you see what's happening to these kids. They're using these kids. These kids are having to get pregnancy tests at age ten. [Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen] said, “I'm ready to work with Congress.” Congress has got to do something about this. Whether or not you agree with me or if you disagree with me, can we please sit down and fix this problem? 


Vox: DHS Secretary Nielsen’s first public hearing before the new Congress was a disaster


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