Fox guest calls for defunding universities unless they provide a “fair and balanced” education

Dr. Jason Hill: Condition university funding on “conservative viewpoints advocating American principles [being] taught side by side with these Marxist principles”

From the July 27 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): Jason, what do you say to people watching right now and say, well there's a conservative professor who just wants his point of view on campus? What do you say to that? 

DR. JASON HILL (DEPAUL UNIVERSITY): I say I'd use myself as evidence of the utter stupidity of that viewpoint. Look at the immigrants, look at Black Americans who are flourishing in this country. Look at the way that our students are failing in universities. Look at the enormous fees that they're paying, and coming out with semi-literate skills, unable to find jobs. Look at the way in which they exist in their curated silos in which they are never ever challenged beyond the perspective, the limited perspectives that they are ensconced in, and ask if that's the world that you want your children to grow up in. All I want is for students to get a fair and balanced education with different perspectives.

KILMEADE: Exactly. And we are at the point where you say, shut it down. 20 seconds, final thoughts?

HILL: I think the federal government and [inaudible] donors should stop funding these universities unconditionally. We need to affix conditions that if you are going to fund these universities, they need to get a fair and balanced education where conservative viewpoints advocating American principles, capitalism, individualism, self-reliance are also taught side by side with these Marxist principles.

KILMEADE: We have met the enemy, and it's us.


Candace Owens on Fox & Friends: “College campuses have essentially become islands of totalitarianism and fascism”

Fox & Friends follows Infowars in running with right-wing video attacking college students

Fox News ran over 50 segments in a month fearmongering about college campuses. These two organizations are driving the outrage.