AINSLEY EARHARDT (HOST): The president, two, three hours after the FBI makes these recommendations, you see our president of the United States standing on the stage with her, saying that she's so qualified for this. What do you think?
KEITH ABLOW: That should be her slogan. That should be her campaign slogan, “What difference does it make?” Because, you know what, the supporters are on a blind march to installing this woman -- and that's why I say this woman -- as President of the United States because that's what matters here, Ainsley, that she's female. Her people want a female president. It doesn't matter that she emerges from an administration cloaked in secrecy and in scandal, her husband's administration. Doesn't matter that she was an undistinguished senator. Doesn't matter that she sold American self hatred under the banner of Barack Obama because the bottom line is she's female, and people will say, you know what, we're such a terrible country, we've never had a female president. Let's put her in. We'll feel better about ourselves. That's it. She is not qualified.
EARHARDT: I hear from Democrats, yeah, that she lied about her classified emails. She said she only had one device. The FBI director says that's false; she had more than one. And, he says that our national secrets could have been put in the hands of terrorists or other people who might have hacked into her email. But what I'm hearing from Democrats, they say they don't care. They don't trust her, but they don't care because they think that she's better than Donald Trump.
ABLOW: Well, you know, I think that what Democrats are saying is, she's better than Donald Trump because we've been sold a bill of goods that we're no good as Americans, and so it doesn't matter if our secrets are exposed to our adversaries. After all, look how terrible we are. Look how long it took us to have a minority president Look how long it took us to have a candidate that they feel should be installed without any consideration as the first female president. This is an extension of American self-hatred being sold by Barack Obama. How can he stand up there and say “this is the most qualified man or woman to ever seek the presidency?” Oh my God, God help us if that were true, a failed secretary of state who cost more lives than she saved. This is the most qualified person to ever seek the presidency? It's so bizarre, so clearly a lie, that it shows how blind people are in this march to install her into office.