Fox's Dick Morris directs viewers to call “swing Congressmen” on health care Written by Media Matters Staff Published 03/11/10 7:23 AM EST From the March 11 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends: Video file lists the phone numbers of “swing Congressmen” and states, “Please call them to stop Obamacare!!!” Previously: Dick Morris' Fox-boosted ads reportedly being “revise[d]” due to “wrong facts” Morris' Fox solicitations pay off -- “raised $200,000 in the past three days” for anti-Dem ads On Fox, Morris urges viewers to visit his website so they can call “vulnerable Democrats” and defeat health care bill Morris directs viewers to go to his website for information on which Democrats to call and tell to oppose health care "[C]onservative alternative" to AARP hosting fundraiser with Fox “political analyst” Morris Morris using Fox to raise money to run ads attacking 23 Democrats in Congress “Please, please help” Scott Brown: Fox “political analyst” Morris uses position to fundraise for Mass. GOPer Morris once again permitted on Fox News to solicit funds Morris again uses Fox News to raise funds Fox still allowing Morris to fundraise for group where he's the “chief strategist” Would a real news organization help GOP PACs raise money?