Fox's Hasselbeck Is Offended That Nancy Pelosi Referred To The Doctored Planned Parenthood Videos As “Doctored”

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: “How Irresponsible And Aggravating Is It When Nancy Pelosi Asserts That These Videos Have Been Doctored?”

From the September 29 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

Video file

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: I want to -- if we have it, I'd love for everyone to hear Nancy Pelosi here and what she had to say, saying that these videos were somehow doctored? Watch.


HASSELBECK: How irresponsible and aggravating is it when Nancy Pelosi asserts that these videos have been doctored, that word alone, just spiking into my spine, but yet not having seen them, she can say that they need to be investigated because they've been doctored. Your thoughts?

REP. JASON CHAFFETZ (R-UT): Well, the Democrats want to bury their head in the sand on this topic. When I issued a subpoena, Democrats didn't support me on that. When we went to issue a letter to go get all the raw materials, they didn't support me on that. They have a political agenda, and that is, they want their funding arm, which is Planned Parenthood, to get out the vote and all the money that they transfer from a 501(c)3 into a 501(c)4 to engage in these political activities, they want that funding to be there. And that's the topic of what we're going to talk about today.


A Comprehensive Guide To The Deceptively-Edited Videos Used Against Planned Parenthood

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