Gretchen Carlson Congratulates Perry For Almost Getting Election Date Right

Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson tried her hand at "Hannitizing" this morning while hosting GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry. On Tuesday, Perry made headlines after delivering a speech to young voters in New Hampshire in which he seemed to forget that the legal voting age is 18, asking those “who are going to be over 21” on Election Day to vote for him and asking everyone else to “just work hard.”

Although the voting age gaffe made more national news, Perry also got the date of the general election wrong, asking the 21-year-olds to vote for him “on November 12” instead of November 6. Carlson played video of the speech, then gave Perry an unusual pass on his mistakes. After noting his voting age gaffe, Carlson said: “You know, the election date, I understand that. I mean, the fact that you could even pull out the number 12 -- hats off to you.” Watch:

What exactly was Carlson congratulating Perry on? The fact that he only missed the election date by six days? There is, indeed, a “12” at the end of the year of the general election, but should we really take our hats off to him for managing to remember one of the relevant numbers in an important date, then using it incorrectly?