“There is no need” for Black History Month or the NAACP, according to Fox contributor Stacey Dash.
In her first appearance on Fox News after her December 2015 suspension from the network, Dash seized on controversy over the lack of racial diversity among Oscar nominees to claim that organizations like Black Entertainment Television (BET) and the NAACP, and observances like Black History Month foster “segregation.”
On the January 20 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, Dash and host Steve Doocy discussed growing calls for a boycott of the Academy Awards over the all-white roster of Oscar nominees. Dash called the boycott “ludicrous” and stated, "[e]ither we want to have segregation or integration. And if we don't want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BETand the BET Awards and the Image Awards where you're only awarded if you're black." Dash also argued that “there shouldn't be a Black History Month” because there isn't a white history month.
In an appearance later the same day, Dash doubled down on her criticism of African Americans pledging to boycott the Oscars, saying,"[t]here is no need for a BET ... or NAACP for that matter. We don't need it anymore."
Dash was suspended from Fox News on December 7, 2015, for “comments ... that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for [Fox's] air,” after she reacted to remarks by President Obama regarding terrorism by saying “I felt like he could give a shit -- excuse me, like he could care less” about terrorism. Soon after those comments, CNN's Brian Stelter reported that Dash and colleague Ralph Peters “were suspended ... for using profanities while criticizing President Obama”:
“Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air,” Fox senior executive vice president Bill Shine said.
“Fox Business Network and Fox News Channel do not condone the use of such language, and have suspended both Peters and Dash for two weeks,” he said.