Coulter Revives Decades Old Smear, Compares Bill Clinton To “Rapists”

In a May 19 Human Events op-ed titled, “To Liberals, Every Woman Looks Like a Hotel Maid,” Ann Coulter compared former President Bill Clinton to “rapists,” alleged statutory rapists and alleged sexual predators. Fox Nation promoted Coulter's column in a May 19 post. From the op-ed:

Only in Hollywood movies are handsome lacrosse players from nice families seen as likely rapists. In real life, they look more like the 5-foot-2-inch Roman Polanski or pudgy, unathletic Bill Clinton -- or the homunculus 5-foot-2-inch Strauss-Kahn.

Coulter has previously pushed the falsehood that Bill Clinton is a rapist, as have various other right-wing media contributors.


Coulter: “We learned from the Clinton era that feminism is all nonsense” because Bill Clinton “can grope or rape a woman and it's fine”

Limbaugh calls Bill Clinton “a sexual predator”

Klein vs. his own book: Author backed off claim about Hillary pregnancy, contradicted his only source for rape claim