Fox Finds More Bill Clinton Comments To Distort

Another day, another Fox News distortion. To continue its invented storyline that former President Clinton is "at odds" with President Obama, Fox seized on an interview Clinton gave to CNN this afternoon to claim that Clinton made “another swipe at Obama” with his comment that “median income, after inflation, is lower than it was the day I left office.”

In fact, it's unclear how Fox arrived at that theory considering that Clinton spent most of the entire interview discussing his support for Obama's economic policies.

Moreover, aside from resting on the false premise that Clinton was taking “another swipe” at Obama, the fact is that median household income has been falling steadily for more than a decade. Income rebounded somewhat in 2004, then started falling again when the recession began in 2007 -- well before Obama took office.

As the Economic Policy Institute explained:

From 1979 to 1989, real median income grew $3,002 (from $46,074 to $49,076); from 1989-2000, it grew $4,088, (from $49,076 to $53,164). But for the first time on record, over the business cycle from 2000-07, incomes did not rise, but fell slightly, from $53,164 to $52,823

And with the weak labor market over this period, the real median income of working-age households fell significantly, from $61,574 to $59,460. This means that working families are weathering the current economic downturn on the heels of one of the worst economic expansions on record.

In the past few days, Fox News, aided and abetted by mainstream media outlets, has been trying to invent a break between Clinton and Obama, even going so far as to fabricate motivation behind this nonexistent break.