Fox News aired a promotion for a broadcast of Hannity that falsely claimed: "[President] Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage." In fact, the White House has stated it does not support a provision previously under consideration that would have billed military veterans' private insurance companies for treatment of their combat-related injuries performed at Veterans Administration hospitals.
Fox News promo falsely claimed Obama “pushes a plan” requiring vets to pay for health insurance
Written by Tom Allison
During the March 19 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox News aired a promotion for that evening's broadcast of Hannity that falsely claimed: "[President] Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage." In fact, the White House has stated it does not support a provision previously under consideration that would have billed military veterans' private insurance companies for treatment of their combat-related injuries performed at Veterans Administration hospitals. In a March 18 press release, press secretary Robert Gibbs stated of the “third party billing issue” that “the President has instructed that its consideration be dropped”:
The President has consistently stated that he is committed to working with veterans on the details of the 2010 VA Budget Proposal. The President demonstrated his deep commitment to veterans by proposing the largest increase in the VA budget in 30 years and calling VSO [veterans service organizations] and MSO [military service organizations] leaders into the White House for an unprecedented meeting to discuss various aspects of the budget proposal. In considering the third party billing issue, the administration was seeking to maximize the resources available for veterans; however, the President listened to concerns raised by the VSOs that this might, under certain circumstances, affect veterans and their families' ability to access health care. Therefore, the President has instructed that its consideration be dropped. The President wants to continue a constructive partnership with the VSOs and MSOs and is grateful to those VSOs and MSOs who have worked in good faith with him on the budget proposal.
From the March 19 promo for Fox News' Hannity:
ANNOUNCER: This is the thanks they get? Obama pushes a plan that could force vets to pay through the roof for health coverage. Fred Thompson asks: Don't America's heroes deserve better?