Fox at the Oscars: Homosexuality among the “darker themes this year”

While introducing a segment about the Academy Awards, Fox News' Gregg Jarrett said that the films nominated in the Best Picture category carry “darker themes,” such as “homosexuality; homicide bombings; political assassinations.”

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While introducing a segment on the 78th Annual Academy Awards on the March 5 edition of Fox News' Fox News Live, anchor Gregg Jarrett noted that the films nominated in the Best Picture category dealt with themes such as “homosexuality; homicide bombings; political assassinations,” and that Hollywood was “going with a lot of darker themes this year.” As Jarrett spoke, onscreen text read: “Hollywood walks on the darker side.”

From the March 5 edition of Fox News' Fox News Live:

JARRETT: They're the best movies of the year, allegedly. Most of us, though, haven't seen them. Films dealing with homosexuality; homicide bombings; political assassinations -- the list goes on and on. Hollywood, going with a lot darker themes this year, and they're courting some controversy.

A tip from reader R.M. contributed to this item. Thanks, and keep them coming.