Fox's Charles Krauthammer: Obama “Is Responsible For The Resurgence” Of ISIS

From the July 14 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

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BILL O'REILLY (HOST): You heard Donald Trump, and he is definitely going to run as the law and order, anti-terror guy. Will that help him in the face of President Obama being seen by some, even Geraldo [Rivera], as soft on the ISIS situation?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well Obama certainly is soft, and he certainly is responsible for the resurgence. As you said, I think it was Geraldo who said Al Qaeda in Iraq, the progenitor of ISIS, was defeated, humiliated by 2008 by the surge. And we had the boot on the neck of ISIS, of Al Qaeda in Iraq, and we released it. Obama thought if he could run away, if we could withdraw, we get out of the region, we show the Muslims as he said in the Cairo speech that we're their friends, everything will be fine. 


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