Fox's Colby: "[W]hy would North Korea push our buttons ... when they know -- they can see in Iraq -- when we come in, we get the job done?"

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In a segment on the July 6 broadcast of Fox News Live on the recent North Korean missile tests, anchor Jamie Colby asked Fox News host Oliver North, a retired Marine colonel: "[W]hy would North Korea push our buttons, so to speak, by firing off these missiles when they know -- they can see in Iraq -- when we come in, we get the job done?"

From the July 6 edition of Fox News Live:

COLBY: And that was, of course, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq wishing the president a happy birthday today, but also the two leaders talking about the progress that has been made in Iraq. I want to go back now to Colonel North. And the president brings up a good point. We are a nation of our word, something that North Korea clearly hasn't been, Colonel. So, why would North Korea push our buttons, so to speak, by firing off these missiles when they know -- they can see in Iraq -- when we come in, we get the job done?

NORTH: Well, you know, North Korea exports no food. They export counterfeit American dollars. They counter -- they export drugs, and they export missile and nuclear technology. That's about all they've got. So, if this was a commercial for their Taepodong-2 missile, which blew up 42 seconds after it launched, it wasn't a very good commercial. The second objective they've got is to simply gain international attention, anxiety, and feed the fuel of those in this country who want to start those bilateral discussions. I don't think there's -- I think there's a two-strike ballgame for these guys here on the eve of the All-Star Game break. This is two strikes. They've struck out in two strikes. I don't think that this has been good for them at all, and I look for this United Nations resolution to see whether the United Nations Security Council really is up to the task.