In a July 16 Hot Air post, Ed Morrissey described Minnesota Majority's widely criticized voter fraud report as being “meticulous” and “very solid.” Morrissey repeatedly suggested that felons voting illegally were what caused Sen. Al Franken's victory. In fact, local officials have reportedly said that the group's data “is not good” and that the report makes claims that are “not accurate” and “likely inflated.”
Fox Nation linked to Morrissey's post with the headline “Probe Grows in MN Felon Voting Scandal.”
From Morrissey's post:
Minnesota Majority spokesman Dan McGrath appeared on the Twin Cities Fox affiliate last night to explain their latest report on felon voting in Minnesota, and to expand on their demand for law enforcement action. According to their meticulous research of voting and conviction records, as many as 1,000 felons may have voted in the 2008 election in Minnesota. That would have been more than enough to swing the US Senate election to Al Franken, who prevailed by just over 300 votes in a protracted recount and election challenge over Norm Coleman.
Even if the Minnesota Majority report is entirely correct -- and it appears very solid -- it wouldn't provide a basis of overturning Franken's election.
Conservative media hype “not accurate” report to suggest Franken's election was “an illegal victory”