Linking to a Reuters article about Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's announcement of new drilling policies, Fox let us know just how it feels about environmental protection via a new headline. What the original article described as a “telephone briefing with reporters” became a “childish rant” in the world of “fair and balanced” Fox.
From the Fox Nation on January 7:
The Reuters article, headlined, “U.S. overhauls oil, natural gas drilling policy,” contains neither ranting nor childishness on the part of the Interior secretary, but it does contain statements from Salazar explaining how the new policies help protect federal lands from oil and gas industry development to which they were subject during the last administration.
From the January 6 Reuters article:
“The difference is in the prior administration the oil and gas industry essentially were the kings of the world,” Salazar said in telephone briefing with reporters. “Whatever they wanted to happen essentially happened and the department essentially was the handmaiden of the oil and gas industry.”
So that's Fox's idea of a childish rant. Certainly not this.