After Mueller's report, Fox host demands investigation of the Obama administration: "The most corrupt administration since Richard Nixon”

Jesse Watters: “As Lindsey Graham said you need a second special counsel to bring up everybody”

From the March 25 edition of Fox News' The Five:

JESSE WATTERS (HOST): Well, Barack Obama likes to say he had a scandal free administration. I think that's out the window now. It looks like he had the most corrupt administration since Richard Nixon. I don't know why the media isn't calling Barack Obama's office and asking him for comment after this entire charade has been exposed.


I think at this point as Lindsey Graham said you need a second special counsel to bring up everybody and investigate Brennan and Clapper and Strzok and Comey and McCabe, and all these people again, Samantha Power with the unmasking. Yates, who set up the sting in the office of Michael Flynn.


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