Bolling Criticizes Background Checks: “Poor People ... Will Have To Make The Choice Between” Buying Guns Or Food

From the October 5 edition of Fox News' The Five:

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BOLLING: What the gun show loophole is is exactly this -- everyone is required, if you are a gun seller, that's your business, you have to have a background check if you sell a gun to someone, you have to, whether it's online or at a gun show. A very small percentage of guns sold, very, tiny, tiny percentage are sold by private individuals to someone else, and in 30 states out of the 50, you do not need an extended background check. And so they want to close that loophole so that every single gun ever sold to anyone requires a background check -- extended background check.

GERALDO RIVERA: Isn't that a good idea?

BOLLING: Let me finish this one -- no, it's not a good idea. Here's what happens --

RIVERA: Universal background checks?

BOLLING: Here's what happens with universal background checks, Geraldo, poor people, minorities in high crime urban areas, will have to make the choice between buying this gun to protect my family or feeding my family. Because sometimes it can be upwards of -- in New York it's $80, in Maryland it's $200 just for the background check. People can't afford to protect their own families; instead they decide not to buy the gun.

BOLLING: So you're really worried about poor people in urban areas --

RIVERA: That's what you're caring about poor people?

BOLLING: -- then you do not require the extended background check.


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