Dan Bongino attacks the idea of incorporating “kindness” into immigration policy

Bongino: “Kindness at the expense of other people is not kindness at all, by the way. That’s actually meanness”


From the March 18, 2021, edition of Fox News' Hannity

DAN BONGINO (GUEST): Kindness at the expense of other people is not kindness at all, by the way. That’s actually meanness not kindness. It's easy to be kind with other people's neighborhoods but the question I ask people who believe kindness is a public policy is how many immigrants have you sponsored? How many of these children have you taken in? Oh, zero? You haven't taken in any? How many are in your neighborhood right now? Oh, you probably live in a nice gated community so it doesn't affect you, that's right. How many have you considered taking? Kindness not a public policy.