Dick Morris: Biden ran for president “because of a menopausal midlife crisis”

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During the August 27 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly asked whether Sen. Barack Obama will “have to say” why he didn't choose Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Fox News contributor Dick Morris responded, “No. He'll just talk about what a wonderful guy Biden is. But when you think about it, who's Joe Biden? He ran 20 years ago for president. He only got into the race this time because of a menopausal midlife crisis. He was leaving the Senate, and he figured, 'I'll just do one more shot and run for president before I fade from the scene.' He was retiring.”

From the August 27 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: Now, Obama has never said, never, why Hillary Clinton didn't get it. Will he have to say that to win the election?

MORRIS: No. He'll just talk about what a wonderful guy Biden is. But when you think about it, who's Joe Biden? He ran 20 years ago for president. He only got into the race this time because of a menopausal midlife crisis.

He was leaving the Senate, and he figured, “I'll just do one more shot and run for president before I fade from the scene.” He was retiring. And the fact that he passed over Hillary and went to Biden -- he'll never explain it, but it will dog him for the whole campaign.

O'REILLY: It's interesting that the press won't -- I mean, if I asked Barack Obama, I would ask him that.


O'REILLY: But the rest of the press won't.

MORRIS: They won't.


MORRIS: And -- well, because they're, well, first they're trying to be nice to Obama. And secondly, they'll get an answer of -- well, why won't they ask it? Because they're in that tank.


MORRIS: If they did ask it, he would do double-talk about how wonderful Biden is.