Dick Morris: “I work for Fox News, but sometimes I feel I work for Radio Free Europe”

From an August 14 article in The Repository (Canton, OH) about a local rally sponsored by the conservative group Americans for Prosperity featuring Fox News “political analyst” Dick Morris:

“By his (referring to President Barack Obama) social engineering, his cap and tax, his fiscal engineering, he will make it impossible to have a recovery,” Morris said. “If you do not make the right decision in November, the 2010s will be as bad as the 1930s decade-long Depression.”

Morris said that Americans have to elect congressmen who know how to say no.

“You and I will see each other again,” Morris said. “We will be together again. We have to keep the Republican party honest. Obama care will be like public housing. We cannot let this health care reform stand.”

Cards had been passed out to the crowd to present questions to Morris, but only a couple of questions were presented. One asked whether he thought Hillary Clinton would run against Obama. That question brought a chuckle from Morris, but he said only that he felt sure the Republicans will win both houses of Congress.

“I work for Fox News, but sometimes I feel I work for Radio Free Europe,” Morris said.


Today in Fox News ethics problems: Dick Morris edition

REPORT: Fox News' Dick Morris problem