Did Fox's Chris Wallace Drink The Water?

Appearing on Fox & Friends this morning, Chris Wallace joined in with conservatives who are piling on NBC's Brian Williams for his role as co-moderator in this week's Republican debate. Wallace agreed that Williams' questions revealed a “liberal bias” and seemed to concur with critics who denounced Williams' questions as gotcha efforts.

WALLACE: There were a bunch of questions that I thought that there was a left-wing bias, it's the only -- a liberal bias, that's the only way you can describe it.


WALLACE: It is so built into the drinking water, if you will, in some of these liberal outlets that they don't even understand it happens.

So debate moderators ask Republicans gotcha questions because it's just in the water at liberal media outlets.

What's odd is that last month Wallace himself helped moderate a Republican debate and it was Wallace himself who was on the receiving end of right-wing attacks for asking, you guessed it, gotcha questions.

During the debate, Newt Gingrich called out Wallace for posing “Mickey Mouse” questions. Rush Limbaugh and far-right bloggers agreed, and lit into the Fox moderator's “arrogant” and “childish” performance (it was MSNBC-esque!), while Fox News viewers complained his queries were “testy.” Even Wallace's Fox News colleagues, Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity got in on the criticism.

The point is conservatives always complain about the debate questions and the moderators. The ritual has become so ingrained they even complain when Fox News is the host. So unless Roger Ailes has a “drinking water” problem, it's probably best for Wallace to refrain from joining the chorus of debate critics.