On Fox, Border Patrol union head: “We've got to suppress the crime” in America, “and that normally starts at the border”

Brandon Judd says he “would absolutely, 100 percent support a shutdown” to secure border wall funding

​From the August 3 edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom:​

BILL HEMMER (CO-HOST): ​Brandon Judd​,​ ​president of the ​N​ational ​B​order ​Patrol Council​. Sir, how are you and welcome back here on America's Newsroom. ​What do you think about th​at​ threat​, what do you think about​ the possibility of getting ​"​nasty,​"​ quote, unquote?

​BRANDON JUDD (NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL): He is being the leader that everybody expected him to be. Those people that voted for ​President ​T​rump, they expected him to be out in front on these issues. ​And ​that's exactly what he is doing​,​ which is going to make those people happy. What we have to look at is we're looking at the safety of the American public. Even hardcore liberals in Chicago are now saying crime is way too much. We've got to suppress the crime and that normally starts at the border. We've got to secure our border in order to secure the safety of the American public.

HEMMER: I don't know how much you want to dive in the politics, but do you think a shutdown's a good idea on this issue?

JUDD: I do. I do. I would absolutely, 100 percent support a shutdown, and I'm a federal employee.


NY Times: A Border Patrol agent (and frequent Fox News guest) has Trump’s ear on immigration


Border Patrol union head praises Fox & Friends hosts for portraying migrant “caravan” as criminals

On Fox & Friends, Border Patrol official lies about asylum-seeking parents and children being separated at the border 

On Fox & Friends, Newt Gingrich advises Trump to keep fearmongering about torture, rape, and murder in his push for a border wall