Fox & Friends hosts mock concerns over due process for deported migrants: “We're going to do vetting when we deport but we're not going to do any vetting when they come across the border?”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade: “Was anyone concerned about the identities of the illegal aliens when they crossed our border, landing at Westchester Airport in the middle of the night?”

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From the March 21, 2025, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends 

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): You know, the other thing is people brought up to me — I wish they could have thought of my idea — was anyone concerned about the identities of the illegal aliens when they crossed our border?


KILMEADE: Landing at Westchester Airport in the middle of the night? Or on Long Island in the middle of the night? Or in Pennsylvania, at these small airports, at one in the morning? Did anyone say, “Wait a second, can you give me his bio? Can we find out where she's from?" But, no, we just, just throw them into the school system. If we give them over to Catholic Charities, and they just let them disappear, we'll give them a court appointment. But now we have to know — to get them out — we got to know exactly their bio and their hopes and dreams.

JONES: So just to build on that, Brian. Did we vet the people that didn't even go through a port of entry? They decided to cross. So we're going to do vetting when we deport, but we're not going to do any vetting when they come across the border. And I think it's just — look, the courts is one issue. I just want them to know that they're losing with the American people. It's — you look at all the poll. The one issue that the president continues to dominate on is when it comes to these deportations, Ainsley.

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Look. You know, you can watch other networks, and they interview their wives, and their wives are crying and saying the little kids are, are looking for daddy. And that does break your heart. But if daddy is a member of a gang and the president and the administration say that these flights were full of alleged gang members, then daddy has to leave the country. And, that happens all the time in our own country with citizens. 

JONES: That's right.

EARHARDT: Families are broken up because daddy did something wrong.