Fox News guest blames video games for Georgia high school shooting
From the September 4, 2024, edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto
RANDY SUTTON (GUEST): Human life has less value because of many of the social mores that have changed over the decades. From violent video games -- which I can tell you right now, I fully believe play a role in these type of tragic situations -- to the culture that has evolved surrounding the glorification of gangs and of violence and of lyrics to songs that espouse violence. It cheapens life and it gives a methodology, if you will, to these children as they are growing up they're facing this onslaught of information and of social norms that have changed where there is a glorification. And it hardens the heart, if you will, for these children because they don't understand what violence truly is until they actually face it like these kids in this school today.